I currently attend Stanford University, where I am studying physics and quantum information science. I began pentathlon at age 7 after watching this video from UIPM and relentlessly asking my parents to find a team to begin training. This led to traveling 4+ hours most weekends to West Coast Pentathlon (WCP), the closest pentathlon team to us. With their training sessions and encouragement, my sister and I attended our first pentathlon training camp at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado later that year. We were hooked.
Unable to continue regularly driving the long way to WCP, my sister and I began training daily at home with a lot of support from USA Pentathlon. “Dr. G” provided running and shooting workouts for us to use at home and improved our technique when we trained at the Olympic Training Center. We fenced with Simon Pittfield's top ranked athletes and fought hard to keep up with the USA swimmers at our local swim team, Spare Time Aquatics. We are so grateful for this support.
Ten+ years later, I still love pentathlon. If you’re interested in learning more about pentathlon or want to give it a try, feel free to contact me through this website. If you’re interested in learning more about my pentathlon accomplishments, you can check them out here.
.2022 Youth World Championships. This competition highlighted the incredible community found in pentathlon. My gear was lost at the airport, but pentathletes from across the world generously shared theirs with me. Here I am gratefully competing in pants from Brazil, mask from Mexico, sword from Egypt, plastron from Turkey, and jacket from USA.
2016 Youth Nationals. This was the competition that inspired me to build YueScore (now called PentaScore), as I saw how hard officials were working to hand score each athlete's results in the youth divisions, as no software existed for these athletes.
The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.
-- Pierre de Coubertin --